Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rihanna might indeed be Guyanese....

For a while, like most of us love to do, we claimed and believed that Rihanna was of Guyanese Heritage. Isn't that just like us, trying to pick up stars from anywhere? it's annoying at times, all the time actually. Who the skunt cares if some man/woman who has never touched this land, maybe not even heard of Guyana has family or parents from this land. That doesn't make them Guyanese and we shouldn't be running crazy trying to claim them. It is sickening.

Well for a while, people were saying that the Barbadian songstress actually hailed from Guyana and I'm one of those who cussed out and rejected that notion. However, recent events have me thinking that I might have been wrong.

So she took a mauling from her boyfriend, reported it to the police then after a few days reunited with said boyfriend. Now this is pure, downright, typical Guyanese behavior. This is what most of the abused women of this country do; they take the licks then get back together with their abuser shortly thereafter. Rihanna is a role model for so many girls and women around the world and her most recent actions sets a bad example to those who admire and look up to her.

One thing that is very and exceptionally different about this situation though is that unlike Guyana where after reporting the crime the woman can withdraw them, it doesn't happen like that elsewhere. Rihanna reported this to the police, they investigated and subsequently charged Chris Brown and even though she has now reunited with Chris, he is still going to face charges for his crime. A crime is a crime.

In Guyana, the man and woman would get back together, she withdraws the charges and that would have been the end of it but in other places if the police find that someone has abused you, they are going to charge that individual, with or without your help. In Guyana, if we are serious about protecting women from abuse over here, we need to get rid of the system where the aggrieved party can withdraw charges against someone. It doesn't make sense, then again few things in this country do.

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