Saturday, January 3, 2009

And so it begins ...

Ok, so we've finally decided to start a blog - YAY! for us, but what does that mean for you the reader? Hmmm, I'll have to decide on that.  First off, if you've followed a link here then thanks for visiting -- it means a lot that you've taken some time to check us out. If you're just stumbling upon our blog then WOW, we're actually getting more publicity than even I (I.Gots.Class) or One Cultured Wretch can boast about, lol.

Basically, we plan on using this our blog to talk about and highlight Life in good ol' Guyana -- with specific emphasis placed on people, culture, dos and don'ts and such.  Of couse we'll also do quite a bit of dabbling into other topics outside of Guyana to keep you entertained, informed and up-to-the-know.

Just this bit for a first post.  We'll delve deeper into the blog as the stories develop.


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