Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr. Jagdeo

Mr. Jagdeo, I know you don't care for my words very much, actually you don't care about them at all but since this is still partly a democracy, I know that I still have the right to express myself (it should be noted that Oliver Hinckson thought so as well).

Today is your birthday, 45 years you have lived, almost two decades of that have been in service to this land. With about two years left in your Presidency there is still much to be done, there is so much that you can do to return promise to this Country that seems to be losing hope with each passing day.

As you celebrate your birthday today, I hope you will sit and reflect on your life so far and as you look forward to the future, I trust that you'll know the legacy of your Presidency and of yourself as a man are all up to you.

Happy Birthday Mr. President.

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