Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Our Greatest Visionary": Why does NCN and the PPP lie so much?

In promoting his death anniversary, NCN proclaims Dr. Cheddi Jagan as our greatest visionary leader. While I'm sure that there are people who will agree with NCN, I'm also sure that there will be many others, including myself who will disagree.

Anyone wonders why the crowds at Babu John are getting smaller each year? I think people are slowly realizing what Cheddi Jagan really was. Don't get me wrong, I'm not out to desecreate the man's legacy, heck I was even infatuated with him when I was younger, would surely have voted for him if I could have back then but what can I say, I woke up and saw things for myself and I gotta say, with each passing year, more people seem to be waking up to what Cheddi really was...

Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Mikhail Gorbachev were all visionaries, even Hitler
(though he had a fucked up vision) was a visionary. Cheddi Jagan, however was many things, least of all a die-hard communist but visionary he was not. Sorry to the remaining hundreds of his supporters.

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